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Tig Welder
Tig welding is one of the finest welding processes and it has been used in many industries and applications due to its versatile welding process and accuracy. It uses tungsten electrode as a consumable and it is available in different types. In this article, we are going to deal with some tig welder selections such as choosing, setting and some more tips so that when you buy this welder, it might seems to be an easy one. Many of the basic industries fail to understand this process and get fall on some defect products and also they buy an inexpensive product into a cheap rate. So let us precede our discussion. First we will start with how to buy a tig welding machine.
Try to find a local welding dealer or store and ensure that they are specialized in dealing with all kinds of welding machines and in particular, tig welding machine. The next easiest way to find this welder is to have a look at classifieds, in classifieds, you can see a column for welding over there and in that you can have a look at a variety of welding machines. In welding classifieds, you can also find some sort of used welders, decide yourself, which one are you going to buy. Have a visit at online retailers so that you can get some more ideas on this excellent welding machine. After this processes, you would have come into a conclusion regarding how to buy and where to buy. Our next issue is how to choose it. Choosing is easy if you spend some more time on knowing some basic information about it. You need to select a tig welder that is quality in all aspects and also, you should select a welding machine that can weld all types of metals.
The machine you select should be capable of working with all types of gases. The welding machine should match with the specified tig welding input and for example, if you need to weld a hard metal, you need an ac welder that will work better. Dc welder works well with soft metals and buy a welding machine based on the thickness of the metal that you are going to weld. The most important point is the welding machine that you buy should match well with your work location and buy a portable welding machine that has good duty cycle with warranty and guarantee. I think so now you have bought the best tig welding machines in the market, but you don’t how to set up it. Don’t worry, here comes the tips for also that.
Plug the welding machine into the proper marked spots and if necessary, connect the control panel to the welding machine. Then, select the proper ground clamp with appropriate metal setting on the welder and then plug the welding machine into the required outlet and turn it on. Follow these tips and buy the best tig welding machine with attractive features.
John Patrick is a professional writer working with Everlastwelders. He written many articles like
, Arc Welder and Tig welder.He also expertise in
Plasma Cutter
. For more information visit
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Welders Flash
Goscor ARC – Johannesburg South Africa
A steel welding table is a basic necessity for any welder’s workspace, since welding on a wooden surface can present a very real fire hazard. In addition, with a steel table, the welder’s work clamp can be attached to it, and parts placed on the table will be electrically connected with the table’s surface. This provides the advantage of keeping the work clamp and its cable out of your way while welding. Finally, building your own welding table will allow you to stand upright and place smaller projects at the right height for welding.
Following are instructions for building your own metal welding table. All of the items, with the exception of the metal plates needed for the shelves, can be found readily available at your local home improvement store. The steel plates can be purchased from a local steel supplier easily found in your local yellow pages. Expect to complete this project in less than four hours.
safety first
1. Ventilation
It is important to use enough ventilation to keep the fumes and gases from your breathing zone. For occasional welding in a large room with good cross-ventilation, natural ventilation may be adequate if you keep your head out of the welding fumes. However, be aware that strong drafts directed at the welding arc may blow away the shielding gas and affect the quality of your weld. In planning your workshop ventilation, it is preferable to use ventilation that pulls fume from the work area rather than blows necessary shielding gas away.
2. Electric Shock
Remember, electric shock can kill. Wear dry, hole-free leather gloves when you weld. Never touch the electrode or work with bare hands when the welder is on. Be sure you are properly insulated from live electrical parts, such as the electrode and the welding table when the work clamp is attached. Be sure you and your work area stay dry; never weld when you/your clothing is wet. Be sure your welding equipment is turned off when not in use. Note that Lincoln wire feed / welders have a relatively low open circuit voltage and include an internal contactor that keeps the welding electrode electrically ‘cold’ until the gun trigger is pressed. These important safety features reduces your risk of electric shock during any welding project.
3. Arc Rays
It is essential that your eyes are protected from the welding arc. Infrared radiation has been known to cause retinal burning. Even brief unprotected exposure can cause eye burn known as welder’s flash. Normally, welder’s flash is temporary, but it can cause extreme discomfort. Prolonged exposure can lead to permanent injury.
4. Workspace – Protection from Sparks
Before you get started on any welding project, it is important that you make sure your work area is free of trash, sawdust, paint, aerosol cans and any other flammable materials. A minimum five-foot radius around the arc, free of flammable liquids or other materials, is recommended. Extra care should be taken in workshops that are primarily used for woodworking as sawdust can collect inside machines and in other hard to clean spaces. If a spark finds its way into one of these sawdust crannies, the results could be disastrous. If your shop area is too small to allow for a safe radius, please use an alternate area like a garage or driveway.
5. Gas Cylinders
Cylinders can explode if damaged. Always keep your shielding gas cylinder upright and secured. Never allow the welding electrode to touch the cylinder.
6. Safety Equipment
It is also imperative to make sure you have all the necessary safety equipment and that you’re wearing welding friendly clothes. You should wear:
7. Welding gloves – dry and in good condition
Safety glasses with side shields
Protective welding shield with a dark lens shade appropriate for the type of welding you do
Head protection – like a fire retardant cotton or leather cap
Long-sleeve cotton shirt
Long cotton pants
Leather work boots
A fire extinguisher should also be on hand during any welding.
Also, make certain no children are in the area when you are welding. They may watch the arc and can experience retinal damage from its intense light. There is also a risk of a child getting burned by welding spatter.
Goscor ARC, one of the leading suppliers of welding and cutting solutions in Southern Africa, distributes for both Lincoln Electric Company and ESAB, the two largest welding organisations in the world
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