
Archive for the ‘Mig Welding’ Category

Welding Helmet Mig

June 12th, 2009 Comments off

Welding Helmet Mig

What to look for while buying welding accessories?   by John Peter

Welding accessories and supplies are key elements of your trade, whether you are a new welder or an experienced one. This can be a challenging task when it comes to choose the best accessories because getting all products of your choice are not possible. Nowadays it is not tough to get welding products and tools as a simple search over the internet can do a lot for you and you can get thousands of results according to your choices. There are many factors to consider when it comes to choose the precise welding accessories for your work and the important one includes cost, function, control, and consumables.

The budget is one of the most important things to think about. All people want to get the best quality products with the most affordable cost. First you should know the particular tools required for your business then only you can choose the ideal accessories for your trade. You should estimate your preference according to the requirements and needs of the particular kind of work that you execute. For example, if you are a MIG or TIG welder, this will give a basic plan on the type of welding accessories that you buy.

You should verify how much power you need for your trade. If you know the size and nature of metal that you will be fusing most regularly then it will help you to find out the power necessities of the welding accessories. There is a great variation in the power supplies for thick and thin metal and it will also affect the variety of welding equipments and products that you will be buying. You need to be familiar with the changing market trend because every now & than price of the products is fluctuating.

Operating costs related to any welder and their trades constantly vary based on what is happening in the marketplace, so it is essential that you notice the changing trend in the welding equipments and accessories market. Other than the cost of gases, you should pay attention to the prices of other accessories and supplies, for example safety gears like helmet and other associated tools such as: consumables, nozzles, electrodes & wires, tips.

Helmets are nothing but the headgear that look after the head, face, eyes and neck from hazardous sparkles, high temperature, UV and infrared rays produced while fusing. Usually it has two most important parts: a welding helmet that

Helmet Tig Mig

June 12th, 2009 Comments off

Helmet Tig Mig

Tips to Weld Safely –

Welding whatever type it may be, it is dangerous if you not wear appropriate welding accessories. While you do any welding such as arc welding, mig welding, tig welding and more do it with some precautionary measures and also you must employ number of safety conditions in order to weld safely. Welding has plenty of makes use of, but improper procedures can show disastrous. Always pick to weld safely. Here are the tips that you should follow when you do any welding with arc welder, mig welder, tig welder, plasma cutter and much more.

* Do not minimize or ignore safety precautions–welding is not an activity conducive to shortcuts. Do examine all the equipments for sign of wear.

* Check all valves & hoses for feasible leaks. Spray all hoses & fittings with a light mixture of dish soap & water. The soap creates bubbles through leaks. Replace any damaged equipment before use

* Open doors and windows and turn on exhaust fans to make sure adequate ventilation. Have a working fire extinguisher nearby. Prepare the area in which you’ll be welding. Remove trash, cardboard, shop rags, flammable liquids and all other flammable materials that can ignite from a stray welding spark.

* Welder mask can prevent the retinal damage that happen if you have been subjected to any sparks in eye and try to wear the mask that prevents 100% UV and infra red rays.

* While welding, you should definitely wear the dress that are appropriately mentioned for welding and try to wear the welder clothes that are grease-free flame retardant clothing that fits close to your body

* Wear long pants, shirts and long sleeves to protect your skin Place rubber bands around loose fitting ankle and wrist cuffs.

* The welding environment in which the users work is essential and it should be conducive to safe craft practice. Do not weld in an area where the floor is covered with wooden floors and work in an area where the floor has been covered with fire resistant materials.

* When you weld, make sure that there is not any flammable material present around you and always have a fire extinguisher that is capable of putting any fire out

* Your welding area should be ventilated properly so that you can avoid over exposure to toxic gases. Never weld even there is a small puddle of water around you

* Always do your work with proper attire and wear welding helmet while you weld so that you can be safe and the welding helmet performs no of functions such as prevents the welder from damaging his eyes with flash burns and protect the entire face from sparks and hot metal

* Check your electrical equipment before you do welding and make sure that all connections are proper and they never exceed their capacity.

* While performing work with welders, make sure that you do not touch their inner parts when you work and never keep any materials around them.

Work safely and have a nice working atmosphere always around yourself.

John Patrick is a
copywriter for
.He has written many articles like plasma cutters and tig welder.He also expertise in arc welder. For more information visit


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3M Speedglas 9100FX

Categories: Mig Welding Tags:

Mig Arc Mask

December 31st, 2008 Comments off

Mig Arc Mask

MIG Mask with telephone hands free

Categories: Mig Welding Tags:

Mig Tig Welder

October 19th, 2008 Comments off

Mig Tig Welder

An overview of TIG welder Settings   by Oleg Gladshteyn

There is a general misconception that welding is quite simple to learn. It is nothing but joining two or more metal pieces with the help of a molten solution that forms the necessary bond between them after solidification upon cooling. Theoretically speaking, it is nothing more than that. But there is more to welding that you ought to know if you wish to become a professional welder. Welding is no joke by any means as there are lot complications associated with it. Which metal pieces are to be joined together? What’s nature of those metals? Which procedure or welder to use to weld them? What settings to imply in order to get a proper yield?

Welding as such is an art that requires tremendous amount of focus and concentration on your part. The slightest mistake is more than enough to spoil the quality of your weld or the quality of your end product. And if such a product goes into manufacturing and then deployment, depending upon the end product that used the welded portion, it could lead to several other possible disastrous consequences. Say for example, medical systems that makes use of welded spare parts. If such a system fails or explodes while it’s functioning, it could turn out to be quite disastrous. Thus it is very important, that you understand the intricacies and imperative requirements when it comes producing quality welds. On this note it is very important that you set the systems, gadgets and other resources employed while welding appropriately irrespective of whether you are using a MIG welder or a TIG welder.

Let us take a look into the TIG welding Inverter Settings for a brief understanding.

i) Amperage: Reading of the Amps supplied from time to time.
ii) Alternating Current Frequency: The inverter regulates the incoming power frequency before converting it into DC. The same knob allows you to handle much higher frequencies. It increases the focus of your welding arc as well which is critical and imperative at times.
iii) A/C Balance: A/C contains both positive as well as negative electrodes that changes dynamically from time to time. TIG inverters give you the flexibility to adjust this input balance depending upon what you are welding.
iv) 2T: TIG inverters bypass the 2T and 4T settings as the amperage control overrides up-slope and down-slope stuff. 2T gives you a flexible option that converts the torch switch into a 2 position switch. You get an arc when you press this switch and it terminates when you don’t.
v) 4T: 4T setting is used in conjunction with up-slope and down-slope settings. In this setting, upon pressing the switch an arc is created. Letting go of the switch, arc up-slopes to main amperage value setting. Proceed with welding. Press the button, arc down-slopes to lower amperage, letting go of the switch, the arc terminates.
vi) Pre Flow: Total time of gas flow between the time you press the switch and the arc is generated is projected by Pre Flow.
vii) Post Flow: Total time of gas flow after the arc terminates is projected by Post Flow.
viii) Up-Slope: Steps up the current to whatever levels or rates you set from start amperage to operating main amperage.
ix) Down-Slope: Steps down the current to whatever levels you set.
x) Start Amps: Low amperage startup
xi) End Amps: Estimates final amperage before arc quits.
xii) Pulse Frequency: Pulse generated per second. Higher pulse rates help to focus the arc more efficiently.
xiii) Peak Pulse Percentage: Gives you more control over pulse generated allowing you to limit heat input or agitate puddle.
xiv) Pulse Width: Duration of high pulse amperage that stays on.

About the Author

Oleg Gladshteyn is a professional writer working with Everlastgenerators and he writing many articles about Plasma cutter, Mig welding, Welder. For more information, visit our website.

LONGEVITY MIGWELD 140 AMP 110v FLUX Core / Gas MIG WELDER with optional Aluminum SPOOL GUN $329.99

Aluminum Mig Welding

October 7th, 2008 Comments off

Aluminum Mig Welding

Miller MIG Welders: Welding Aluminum and Spoolgun Hookup