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Tig Welders Australia

July 22nd, 2012 Comments off

Tig Welders Australia

The various helpful tools provided through Tool Room Services    by R Sheth

Building the structure of metal by cutting, bending, and assembling the raw metal is called Metal Fabrication. The cutting of metal during fabrication is done by saw, shear, or chisel; torching is done with handheld torches like oxy-fuel torches or plasma torches. The bending is done using hammering, press brakes and similar type tools. The assembling that is joining of the metal pieces is done using welding, threaded fasteners, adhesives and riveting.

Scope of Metal Fabrication:

* The work done by blacksmith is also included in fabrication.
* The products produced by welders involve the use of fabrication.
* The making of boilers also requires the skilled use of fabrication techniques.
* Steel erectors/ironworkers, are also involved in metal fabrication jobs.

Raw materials

The standard raw materials used by metal fabricators are plate metal, sheet metal, tube stock, welding wire, hardware, CDSM, square stock, sectional metals, castings and fittings.


Many fabrication shops have speciality processes which they develop or invest in, based on their customers

Categories: Tig Welding Tags:

Craftsman Wood Lathe

July 21st, 2012 Comments off

Craftsman Wood Lathe

Woodworking Solutions: solution to the woodworking Industry in Homag-India   by santosh bhol

A variety of woodworking machinery and tools is needed for both home and professional workshops. Several companies make quality woodworking machinery, including Craftsman, Rockwell, Rigid and Milwaukee. Woodworking solutions merely because you love woodwork, it does not mean your workmanship is not a spare-time activity
Purchase the finest tool that you are able to afford. Start a budget on how much you’re willing to spend on a specific tool. This is significant since you’ll be using your tools on a frequent basis.
The key is acquiring a tool that’s within your budget. But as often as possible, veer away from the cheapest tools and materials. They being cheap already tell something – these aren’t worth purchasing.
Here are the most common woodworking tools which are available in
1. Electric Drill and Drill Bits – Electric drills are by far the first power tool purchased, they have so many uses besides drilling holes, there are attachments to turn them into paint mixers, sanders, screwdrivers, saws, grinders, lathes, the list goes on.

2. Electric Circular Saw – These can be very handy when cutting your wood pieces. No need to break the bank on this, however. Find one that’s easy for you to use and reliable.
3. Finishing Sander
These are used for sanding and finishing your projects. It can also be employed to smooth wood to clear out the edges.
4. Jig Saw – While not completely necessary, a good jig saw can help make your woodworking projects easier. They can add some eye-catching detail to a piece and make cutting wood easier as well.
5. Table Saw
Comparable to the drill, this is an additional tool that you must own and invest in. Though there are a few cheap table saws simply they’re not as powerful as the high-ticket ones. They do not work equally well as you desire too. Acquire a table saw with a strong motor, one that’s powerful enough that it can be used time and time again. If not, the blade will drag during the course of you ripping wood. It may even burn a few of your precious designs and no woodworker would desire that. Again there are loads of plans for jigs for this work horse.
6. Router – Routers have become one of the most used tools in a workshop, possibly even more popular than a table saw. A well equipped shop will have both a plunge base and a fixed base router; it is now possible to get a combination kit where one machine has both bases.
7. Drill Press
This tool is a workhorse in the shop it can be use for drilling holes, sanding with a sanding drum attachment.
To know more details please go through our website

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Hi, This is Santosh Bhol from Indian SEO, I am senior SEO having 3+ years of exp in content development, we provide SEO solutions to 100+ clients, from different countries like: US, UK, China, India….. To know more details about the servives please go through our… To know more details about the articles please go through our website:-

Craftsman Experience – How to Turn a Wooden Bowl on a Lathe, with Woodworker’s Journal Pt. 1/2

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Jet Engineering

July 11th, 2012 Comments off

Jet Engineering

Why is Jet lag so devistating on vacation to the Philippines?    by James Weaver

Why is Jet lag so devistating on vacation to the Philippines? Jet lag is all about your internal time clock! Lets look at how devistating jet lag can be, when you go on vacation to a place like Boracay in hte Philippines! If you are traveling from lets say Atlanta, Georgia or Detroit Michigan to the Philippines it is anywhere from 18-24 hours of travel time just to Manila, and then you are on a plane again from Manila to Caticlan where you get off a plane and get on a boat to the island of Boracay. Once you get to Boracay the devistating effects of jet lag can ruin your vacation! Most people spend so much money to take a vacation and then to arrive and be falling asleep at 12:00 noon or even later that night in when you are trying to enjoy the night life, can be devistating and embarrassing! Lets face it at 12:00 noon in Boracay (back in the USA) its 12:00 midnight and time to go to bed! So how do you fix this problem, or at least minimize it? Go see the Elite Advanced Chiropractor in Boracay, he specializes in Jet lag and can minimize or eliminate it for you so you can enjoy your vacation and have the time of your life! It doesn’t stop there because if you go see the Elite Advanced Chiropractor before returning home he can also help you adjsut for the trip home so the effects when you get home are not so devistating! The Elite Advanced Chiropractor is not just going to evaluate you for chiropractor care, but also homeopathy, energy medicine, vibrational therapy, cold laser, nutritional testing, laser acupuncture, laser auricular therapy, radionics, and rife technology. So Be sure to go to the google search engine an type in Elite Advanced Chiropractor in Boracay!

About the Author

Dr.James Weaver CCEP, DC is a Elite Advanced Chiropractor at the top of his field and has a extensive background in alternative healthcare and nutrition. He reviews some of the best natural healthcare programs avaialble!
www.BoracayChiropractor or

Water Powered Jet-Pack – Bang Goes the Theory – BBC One

Categories: Model Jets and Jet Engines Tags:

Air Conditioner Compressor Cover

July 9th, 2012 Comments off

air conditioner compressor cover

How to Get Your Air Conditioning System Ready for Summer   by Marcy Tate

Spring time is the best time to perform an annual maintenance check of your central air conditioning system. A maintenance check will identify any potential problems. A maintenance check of you’re a/c system involves checking the outside unit and the inside unit. This type of maintenance check can usually be completed by a beginner DIYer. If you have an older A/C unit, or one that has had problems in the past, consider hiring a licensed HVAC contractor to check it for you. It won’t cost you that much for a professional maintenance check and it will prevent any problems from returning. HVAC and air conditioner maintenance is really worth your time. A well maintained unit could last 20 or more years.

Basic Air Conditioning Maintenance:
Keep an eye out on your furnace and a/c system year-round by:
* Changing or cleaning the filter once a month or as needed (this will depend upon the type of filter).
* Cleaning the registers and ducts from dust. Have them professionally cleaned every few years.
* Cleaning the outside compressor by spraying it with a hose.
* Covering the compressor for the winter.
* Checking all hose connections for leaks. Check the condensate tube to be sure that it is draining freely.
* Checking that all of the panels are tightly secured. If loose, gently screw them back into place.

General Air Conditioning Tips:
* Keep furniture, drapes, toys and all objects away from registers. It will make you’re a/c system work more efficiently.
* Keep all items away from you’re a/c unit.

Professional Air Conditioning Maintenance:
If you have a professional HVAC contractor come out to your home for a maintenance checkup, make sure that he checks the following:
* Checks for proper refrigerant (freon) levels. A low level indicates a leak, to be found and repaired before adding more freon.
* Checks all electrical components and controls
* Cleans the evaporator and condenser coils
* Oils motors as needed
* Calibrates thermostat
* Checks Condenser
* Checks filters

About the Author

Licensed HVAC contractors can perform a maintenance check on you’re a/c system.

Marcy Tate is a home improvement writer. She has been working with air conditioning contractors for over a decade.

How To Replace An Air Conditioner Compressor Wiring Cover ~ Type 1 ~

Categories: Air Compressors Tags:

Atlas Copco Air Compressors For Sale

July 7th, 2012 Comments off

atlas copco air compressors for sale

Ingersoll Rand Air Compressors: They’re Everywhere   by John Francis

When a business owner decides to invest thousands of dollars in a compressed air system, he is going to be looking for quality, dependability, and a manufacturer he can trust over the long haul. While Ingersoll Rand has had its ups and downs as a company, it has been in the compressed air system business for over a century, and it pretty much has the market cornered on portable air compressors. For the past few decades, it has dominated portable air compressor sales by 40 and 50 percent. The three other largest sellers of portable air compressors–Atlas Copco, Sullair and Sullivan–make up only around thirty percent of sales combined. Ingersoll Rand air compressors have made their way into markets as diverse as automotive, electronics, food and beverages, iron and steel, pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper, and textiles. Ingersoll Rand not only manufactures air compressors, however, but also all the tools and technology used with them, and they provide a mind-boggling selection of compressed air system services ranging from installation to efficiency evaluations.

Even the United States government buys air compressors from Ingersoll Rand. The United States Army, for example, decided to pay almost $700,000 to have their old portable air compressors rebuilt in addition to buying air tools and padlocks from Ingersoll Rand. Over 1000 portable air compressor units manufactured by the corporation have been in use by the army around the world since the mid 1980s. The army, however, isn’t the only government agency that buys Ingersoll Rand air compressors. The United States Air Force recently signed two contracts for portable air compressors that could equal as much as $16.5 million for the corporation over the next five years. They already bought close to a hundred portable air compressors and may end up buying as many as 1500. In addition to air compressors, the corporation will also sell the air force spare parts. The Air Force said in a statement made by Ingersoll Rand that they chose the corporation because of their reputation for quality and because of their commitment to service.

The United States government isn’t the only government that buys Ingersoll Rand products in large quantities. The corporation is also supplying a variety of products for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. Currently, over 50 portable air compressors are being used on construction projects for subways and roads in the capitol city. The Beijing Tunneling Construction Company and the Beijing Road Construction Company bought the compressors for around $1.5 million after hearing about Ingersoll Rand at an information session for construction companies working on projects for the Olympics.

About the Author

How to decide between the variety of Air Compressors available

SOLD SOLD SOLD Atlas copco air compressor XAHS 175

Categories: Air Compressors Tags: